Synthetic USD
Convert BTC to Synthetic USD
Click on Swap to easily convert your BTC balance to a synthetic USD balance and vice-versa. This enables you to better manage your risk.
When you swap your BTC balance for a synthetic USD balance, what happens under the hood is that you short a BTCUSD futures with a leverage equal to 1.
We don’t charge funding fees for this service.
⚙️ Examples:
- your BTC balance is 1,000,000 sats and BTCUSD bid-offer is: 19,995 - 20,005 USD. If you convert your BTC balance to synthetic USD, you will get: 1,000,000 X 19,995 / 100,000,000 = 199.95 USD synthetic balance.
- your USD balance is 100 synthetic USD and BTCUSD bid-offer is: 19,995 - 20,005 USD. If you convert your synthetic USD balance to BTC, you will get: (100 / 20,005) X 100,000,000 = 499,875 sats of BTC balance.